Document Upload Portal

Please enter one of the following details
Please enter the text in the image below to proceed (Text is not case sensitive)*
What is UAE PASS?
UAE PASS is a single trusted digital identity for all citizens, residents to United Arab Emirates.
Create Account
Please enter the One Time Password sent to your registered mobile number ending with {{ PhonePart }} and email {{MaskedEmail}}
Your OTP will expire in {{counter | secondsToDateTime | date:'mm:ss'}}
Dear Valued Customer,
To update your information with CBI, please submit your Emirates ID and Passport copies, Profile changes including KYC (Know Your Customer), FATCA and CRS (Common Reporting Standards) details through our Document Upload Portal. Once your information has been updated and validated by CBI, your card will be unblocked and your Online Banking access will be resumed in due course.
If you would like to apply for Loan Installment Postponement, please select option (H) Loan Postponement.
Welcome {{ CustomerDetails.CustomerName}}
Please click on the tabs below, to upload the document(s) needed for your account, Acceptable file types are JPG/PDF/PNG< 1 MB.
Required Document(s) : {{DocumentStatusMessage}}
Please upload copies of latest & valid passport(s)
The file size ({{FileSize}} mb) exceeds the limit allowed which is: {{AllowedSize}} mb
Only jpg/pdf/png files are allowed.
File name length should not exceed 16 character
Please upload copy of latest & valid UAE residence visa (if applicable)
The file size ({{FileSize}} mb) exceeds the limit allowed which is: {{AllowedSize}} mb
Only jpg/pdf/png files are allowed.
File name length should not exceed 16 character
Please upload copies of latest & valid Emirates ID Card
The file size ({{FileSize}} mb) exceeds the limit allowed which is: {{AllowedSize}} mb
Only jpg/pdf/png files are allowed.
File name length should not exceed 16 character
Please  Click here  to download the CRS Declaration Form and submit scanned copy of the signed and completed form.
You can download a Sample CRS Form  here .
The file size ({{FileSize}} mb) exceeds the limit allowed which is: {{AllowedSize}} mb
Only jpg/pdf/png files are allowed.
File name length should not exceed 16 character
Please  Click here  to download the FATCA Declaration Form and submit scanned copy of the signed and completed form.
The file size ({{FileSize}} mb) exceeds the limit allowed which is: {{AllowedSize}} mb
Only jpg/pdf/png files are allowed.
File name length should not exceed 16 character
Please  Click here  to download the KYC Form and submit scanned copy of the signed and completed form.
You can download a Sample KYC Form  here .
The file size ({{FileSize}} mb) exceeds the limit allowed which is: {{AllowedSize}} mb
Only jpg/pdf/png files are allowed.
File name length should not exceed 16 character
Please use this tab to send any other document to CBI.
The file size ({{FileSize}} mb) exceeds the limit allowed which is: {{AllowedSize}} mb
Only jpg/pdf/png files are allowed.
File name length should not exceed 16 character
Please  Click here  to download the Credit Card KYC Form and submit scanned copy of the signed and completed form.
The file size ({{FileSize}} mb) exceeds the limit allowed which is: {{AllowedSize}} mb
Only jpg/pdf/png files are allowed.
File name length should not exceed 16 character
Please use this tab to request E-statement
Dear {{ CustomerDetails.CustomerName}}
Below is a summary of documents uploaded in this session and ready for submission.
Passport Residence Visa Emirates ID CRS FATCA KYC Loan Postponement Credit Card KYC
{{filesPassport.length}} {{filesVisa.length}} {{filesEmiratesID.length}} {{filesCRS.length}} {{filesFATCA.length}} {{filesKYC_DOC.length}} {{filesOther.length}} {{filesPersonal_DOC.length}}

Thank you, your files have been uploaded successfully. We will verify and process your request. kindly note down the reference number {{Ref_Number}} for further communication.

Apologies, we were unable to upload your documents due to some technical reasons. Please try again later. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Apologies, we were unable to upload all documents due to some technical reasons. Please try again later. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Kindly note down the reference number {{Ref_Number}} for those successfully uploaded documents.

  1. Passport : {{PassportMessage}}
  2. Visa : {{VisaMessage}}
  3. Emirates ID : {{EmiratesIDMessage}}
  4. CRS : {{CRSMessage}}
  5. FATCA : {{FATCAMessage}}
  6. KYC : {{KYC_DOCMessage}}
  7. Loan Postponement : {{OtherMessage}}
  8. Credit Card KYC : {{Personal_DOCMessage}}